
2D Bulk Flow Singulator System
2D Bulk Flow Singulator System
System Introduction

The 2D Bulk Flow Singulator is linked with the control system through software so that different control units of the 2D Bulk Flow Singulator can automatically singulate, gap, and align parcels. In this way, the disorderly parcels are in a single line according to the set distance and enter the subsequent automated sorting equipment in sequence. This system is widely used in the front-end of automated sorting systems.

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Max singulation efficiency for small parcels
10,000 pph
Max singulation efficiency for large parcels
7,200 pph
Singulation success rate
≥ 99%
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Recognition of complex items and precise positioning
Relying on a powerful algorithm, the system provides barrier-free recognition of complex items such as envelopes, waterproof bags, and black parcels and locates parcels accurately in real time.
Organize disorderly parcels to improve the sorting efficiency of the entire system
The system efficiently separates disorderly parcels and forms them into an orderly single line, greatly improving sorting efficiency. Maximum singulation efficiency: 7,200 pph for large parcels and 10,000 pph for small parcels.
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